Interview with Ralph Drollinger, Founder and President of Capitol Ministries
Watch Ralph Drollinger’s exclusive interview on CTV, the French Christian satellite channel.
Ralph Drollinger is the Founder and President of Capitol Ministries. After starting a ministry in the California capitol to governing authorities in 1996, the ministry has established similar evangelism and discipleship ministries i over 30 of America’s state capitols, as well as overseas works in South America. In 2009 he and his wife, Danielle, founded Capitol Ministries in Washington DC where he teaches the Members Bible Study in our nation’s capitol and they minister to members of Congress on a weekly basis. One can subscribe at no cost to his weekly Bible studies, the same ones he teaches on the Hill through
Ralph and his wife Danielle are the Governmental Sphere Conveners of the US Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization, more commonly known as Mission America. Mission America is a consortium of numerous Evangelical ministries who, among numerous other initiatives, share the common objective of reaching all of America’s Public Servants for Christ in the years ahead.
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CTV (French: Chrétiens TV) is a Christian television network with headquarters in La Rochelle, France. It broadcasts Religious programming dedicated to the Christian faith. It is owned by Rev. Aloys Evina, ordained bishop in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), which is an international Holiness-Pentecostal Christian denomination.
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